Why using Virtualization is very useful in this modern world.

Virtualisation in the modern world is useful for using spare server resources and allowing a server to perform multiple roles. This allows multiple virtual servers on one physical machine. Saving on infrastructure costs. A server machine can be a very expensive investment and if it can be used for multiple…

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Very useful resources for learning penetration testing and Linux commands.

CysCA hacking challenge penetration testing results, how students overcame a few vulnerable network servers and successfully captured flags. Students Write-ups. A number of write-ups submitted by the students on the day, this is a document of their solutions for the challenge. https://www.cyberchallenge.com.au/pdf/CySCA2018-Students.pdf. Active Defense pentest. https://www.cyberchallenge.com.au/pdf/CySCA2018-Active_Defence_Questions.pdf. These resources might give…

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me-tv package not working properly in Debian Squeeze.

The me-tv package is not working properly in Debian Squeeze. It loads up but the window will not respond to input, therefore you can not control the application to change channels or the volume. So I am using my digital set-top box connected to the tv card input instead. Below…

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Installing Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy and the Gnome 3 desktop.

Installing Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy and the Gnome 3 desktop. How to install the Debian Wheezy distribution with the Gnome Shell desktop using the Debian 6.0 installation media. This is how to install the Debian Wheezy distribution alongside Windows and have a nice dual boot system for experimenting with Linux.

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Compiling a vanilla kernel tarball from kernel.org on Debian Testing.

Compiling a vanilla kernel tarball from kernel.org on Debian Stable/Testing. Firstly you need to download a vanilla kernel tarball from the kernel.org website. Once you have the tarball downloaded, type tar -jxvf linux-3.3.tar.bz2 and then follow the sequence below. This sequence of commands will build a pair of Debian *.deb…

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E17 desktop available for the Debian Testing repository.

The enlightenment E17 desktop window manager is now available for the Debian testing distribution, now all of those complex steps that were formerly required to install this window manager are a thing of the past. I have installed the enlightened window manager as it is a nice complement to the…

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Gnome 3.2 available in Debian Testing.

http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=75463. The Gnome 3.2 desktop is available in the Debian Testing repository. This means that any Debian user who wishes to install and test out this new desktop may do so by switching to the testing repositories and installing the required packages. This forum post has some information on how…

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Gnome 3 desktop in Debian Testing/Sid.

Gnome 3 has just made it into Debian experimental with version 3.0 packages available, but once you have installed this you will have great problems getting back to Gnome 2.32, so it is not recommended to install this until the packages are perfected and the panel applets such as the…

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