How to find the Ubuntu version using the command line terminal.

The lsb_release -a command will print the Ubuntu version to the terminal. This is how you find out information about your Ubuntu installation. ubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trustyubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor…

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Create a cool looking clock in your terminal.

This simple little script will print an updating clock in the terminal. #!/bin/sh   watch -t -n 1 ‘date +%H:%M:%S | figlet’#!/bin/sh watch -t -n 1 ‘date +%H:%M:%S | figlet’ This version will print a cow that tells you the time. #!/bin/sh   watch -t -n 1 ‘date +%H:%M:%S |…

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Useful Macintosh OSX terminal commands to get information about your iMac.

The mount command shows information about your mounted partitions on your machine. iMac305:~ admin$ mount /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse) map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse) map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) map -fstab on /Network/Servers (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) /dev/disk0s3…

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How to disable the caps lock key permanently on Linux Mint and Ubuntu.

The caps lock key on Linux is very annoying when hit accidentally. Especially when you are typing a password. This simple command will disable the key permanently. homer@deusexmachina ~ $ setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocapshomer@deusexmachina ~ $ setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps If you put this in Startup Applications which may be found under…

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Using the command-line on Google Android, and other useful apps.

This terminal emulator application for the Google Android operating system allows the user to execute various commands on their Android devices. The command set is fairly restricted, but the ability to access the Linux command line on Android makes up for this. You may use the cat command to view…

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