Technology very important in this pandemic.

The Facebook Metaverse will change the Internet In the current pandemic, it is very important that we use technology to stay in touch, the current fast Internet speeds we have can be used to video chat online. This is very useful for meetings amongst remote workers. The upcoming Facebook Metaverse…

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Infographic: U.S. Finally Getting Smart.

It took the hacking of 70 million Target credit cards during the 2013 holiday season to spur Congress into abandoning the highly unsecure magnetic-stripe cards used by most Americans and setting a deadline for the new (to the U.S., anyway) smart card technology. While Americans are just starting to learn…

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Google self driving car the future of transportation.

The Google self driving car is the future of road transportation. It seems that the days of speeding drivers threatening the lives of other road users and pedestrians could soon be over. The future of road transportation has been thought of for a very long time, with automated cars that…

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Christian dark ages set back humanity.

The Stop Online Piracy Act is getting continued attention from Internet users like Chris Pirillo and others that are warning as many people as possible about this danger to Internet freedom that we face. The Muslim countries are trying this as well, they want to censor their web to stop…

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New transistor can interface with living tissue.

Scientists have created a novel new transistor that can interface with living tissue. This will lead naturally to cybernetic implants rather like those in Deus Ex, with many positive implications for medicine. Allowing cybernetic eyes for the blind to help them see as well as better bionic ears for the…

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