Using a Wacom graphics tablet on Ubuntu 12.10.

I have just tried a Wacom Bamboo tablet on my Ubuntu 12.10 machine and it worked perfectly. Using the tablet as a large touch pad to navigate the Gnome Shell desktop is quite fun indeed. You may use the touch pad to navigate the desktop and double tap on the…

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More useful Google Android software.

Google Android has quite a good range of software available for use, the BluekeyboardJP software I have installed on Android 2.2.2 works perfectly with the Bluetooth Apple keyboard I purchased a while ago. The Blueinput software is overpriced and inserts annoying text into what you are typing. The Dolphin HD…

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Spark Linux tablet bringing Linux to the mobile market.

The US$265 Linux powered Spark tablet is a new innovation that brings cheap affordable hardware and a open Linux operating system together. This is an incredible innovation, that will create a tablet that hopefully is hackable to install other flavours of Linux and able to run various games as well….

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