Monitorix, a nice monitoring tool for Linux systems.

To install this very useful Linux monitoring tool on your Linux system, firstly add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.lst file. deb generic universedeb generic universe Then download the required GPG key for the apt packages. wget And then add this GPG key to apt. jason$ sudo…

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How to get system information in Windows with CMD.

The systeminfo command for Windows allows a user to get comprehensive system information. The default usage outputs the most system information in one go. C:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo | clipC:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo | clip This command will output the system information in CSV format. C:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo /FO CSVC:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo /FO CSV Use the…

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Glances. A nice new networking script for Linux that runs on Python.

Glances is a very detailed script that will print out comprehensive information about your Linux workstation or server. To install the Glances script clone the git repository this way. jason@jason-desktop:~$ git clone Cloning into ‘glances’… remote: Counting objects: 13758, done. remote: Total 13758 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0),…

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Securing your GNU/Linux System.

Dragonfly BSD. One very secure operating system.This is running in qemu, the emulator for PC operating systems. It is a live CD and has the option to install the operating system or use the system as root. Once logged in you can use gcc and vi, all the familiar UNIX/GNU…

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Misc commands to get system information from a Linux box.

List all network interfaces on your Linux machine that are up. [jason@localhost ~]$ ip addr | grep UP 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 2: eno16777736: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP qlen 1000 3: virbr0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN[jason@localhost ~]$ ip addr…

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Some useful Windows commands to use in the cmd window. Get information about your user.

This command lists the information about your user. C:\Users\homer&gt;net user Administrator User name Administrator Full Name Comment Built-in account for administering the computer/domain User’s comment Country code 000 (System Default) Account active No Account expires Never   Password last set 11/2/2006 11:08:15 PM Password expires Never Password changeable 11/2/2006 11:08:15…

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Munich council handing out free Linux distribution CD`s to replace Windows.

The Munich council is handing out free Linux CD`s to help replace Linux on the desktop. This can only be a good thing when Windows XP is no longer supported with upgrades on the desktop. There is a case study here: this describes the migration process of the council…

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HTML5 Metro UI on Ubuntu Linux.

This is a UI for Linux that gives users a Metro styled screen to use on their Linux desktop. This looks like the Metro start screen, but you have to build the menu yourself. Metro might come to Linux in a proper fashion, but I am not sure if this…

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The government PRISM system monitoring all Internet traffic in America.

The Obama administration have been caught in the PRISM spying scandal. This involves the National Security Agency spying on Americans using their text messages and Internet access records. Considering that the Google Chrome browser is sending information about your browsing history to Google, and the Patriot Act allows the United…

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New version of the NetBSD UNIX distribution released.

The new release of the NetBSD UNIX distribution has just been released. This distribution based on the 4.4BSD operating system gives the user a super secure and reliable server operating system that is fully capable of powering an Apache http server; a mail server or MySQL database. This operating system…

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Running a command within another program. How to do this with C.

This code snippet will run the date command. The execl() function is very useful for executing a command within your C program.You replace the NULL identifiers with any extra arguments to pass to the program. I prefer this over the system() function. #include <unistd.h>   int main(void) {   execl("/bin/date",…

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How to set the correct time with the command-line on Debian.

Setting the system time with Debian Linux is very simple, using the date command, you may display the current date/time, then copy this to the date -s “” command and then edit it to the proper value. This is the easiest technique to set the Linux system time. This is…

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The origins of the Gnome Nautilus file manager.

The file manager on the old Macintosh Operating System looks just like the Gnome Nautilus file manager on Linux. I was using my brother’s iMac today and I was amazed at how much a very old version of Macintosh OS looks just like Gnome. The Macintosh operating system is better…

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The broken Ubuntu runlevel system. The Ubuntu distribution is broken in one big way, the Red Hat Linux distribution has run levels properly configured, where you can type su -c “init 3” to shut down the graphical login manager and switch to a run-level that only has the seven TTY virtual consoles running. That…

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Voyager probe leaving Solar System.

The Voyager probe that left Earth 34 years ago is now leaving the Solar System altogether and moving into a huge cloud of matter that is surrounding our Solar System. The craft’s batteries have enough power to keep the venerable craft operating until anno 2020. The fact that the computers…

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