Simple Windows system information program.

This is a very simple Windows System information program that will print some useful system information about the Windows system you are using. This might be very helpful if you are programming on Windows with Visual Studio. sysinfo.c1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13…

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Easily get Linux system information with simple utilities.

Get RAM information with the Linux command line and inxi. 4.4 Thu May 02 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo inxi -m 1) All commands run with root privileges are always dangerous. 2) Never run commands on an environment you are not willing to destroy, or able to restore. 3) Do not…

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Get hardware information from your desktop PC on a website easily.

This is very easy to do. Get comprehensive hardware information about your desktop computer with a simple script. This is available to install for newer Ubuntu releases, but for those of us using an LTS release, the script may be downloaded from this page. Unpack the tarball and then…

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Get information about your OpenBSD system easily.

The OpenBSD operating system has many ways to get system info. One way is to use the sysstat utility. This returns comprehensive information about a running UNIX system. Run sysstat with no parameters and you will get output like this. 2 users Load 0.51 0.36 0.16 neo.home 10:32:19   memory…

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Bitcoin Aussie system is confirmed scam.

The Bitcoin Aussie System App is being advertised a lot on mobile websites. This is a confirmed scam. The website has glowing testimonials to the effectiveness of this automatic app that with a small $300 investment can make the user $12000 in no time. But this is false advertising. Bitcoin…

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Some very useful system status apps for Linux in 2019.

GKrellMConkyHtop There are a few very useful dock and system status apps for Linux in 2019. I am going to look at a few old and new dock apps for your Linux desktop. GKrellM This is a very nice monitoring app for your Linux desktop. This shows CPU, disk, Ethernet…

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Get information about your Macintosh machine using the command line.

Get the current status of your battery with this command. deusexmachina:~ jason$ sudo systemstats | grep "Battery Power" Battery Power: -8095 mW (-15.5 %/hr) Battery Power: -8034 mW (-15.6 %/hr) Battery Power: -6774 mW (-13.3 %/hr) Battery Power: -8080 mW (-15.3 %/hr) Battery Power: -7866 mW (-15.3 %/hr)deusexmachina:~ jason$ sudo…

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My system information program I coded for Linux a while ago. This works very well. This is my system information program I coded for Linux. This gives a bit of information about your Linux system. Just check out the source and type make to compile. Here is some sample output. 13:21:02 ~/Downloads/sysinfo.kdevelop-1.0 homer@neo $ ./sysinfo 1 –System name – Linux –Nodename – neo.deusexmachina –Release…

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Get nice system information on Macintosh OS with the command line.

Get information about apps installed on your Macintosh PC with the lsappinfo command. Use grep as shown below to find out information about a certain app, i.e Firefox in this case. deusexmachina:~ jason$ lsappinfo | grep Firefox 24) "Firefox" ASN:0x0-0x2a02a: bundle path="/Applications/" executable path="/Applications/" 26) "FirefoxCP WebExtensions" ASN:0x0-0x2c02c: bundle path="/Applications/"…

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Print useful Ubuntu news in your terminal easily.

This useful news is printed when a user opens the TTY console on Ubuntu and logs in. The news is from /var/cache/motd-news. But if a user puts this command in their .bashrc, the news will appear. cat /var/cache/motd-newscat /var/cache/motd-news The /var/run/motd.dynamic file contains the rest of the information printed to…

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Best way to upgrade your Ubuntu distro to a new version.

I recently had to upgrade an Ubuntu 14.04 system to the latest release. I ran the command below and my system was upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. sudo do-release-upgradesudo do-release-upgrade This was run over SSH, but I did not lose my connection, and it was quite a painless experience. This…

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What is a database management system?

A Database Management System is a system that allows multiple users to access, create and modify data entries in a database. The program is a multiuser application that will allow multiple users to access and change records easily, whilst maintaining the integrity of the data and also ensuring the security…

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