Some very useful bash scripting tips for testing the output of a program.

This simple shell script will test your Internet connection and then tell you if it is up or not. wgetvar=$(wget -q –tries=3 –timeout=20 –spider   if [ $? -eq ‘0’ ] then echo "Internet is up." else #some logging echo "Internet is down.." fiwgetvar=$(wget -q –tries=3 –timeout=20 –spider…

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Some very useful system status apps for Linux in 2019.

GKrellMConkyHtop There are a few very useful dock and system status apps for Linux in 2019. I am going to look at a few old and new dock apps for your Linux desktop. GKrellM This is a very nice monitoring app for your Linux desktop. This shows CPU, disk, Ethernet…

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Check the status of your laptop battery with Powershell on Windows.

This simple one liner will print the battery status of your laptop battery in percent. This shows that I have 48% battery charge remaining. PS C:\> (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Battery).estimatedchargeremaining 48PS C:\> (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Battery).estimatedchargeremaining 48 Run it like this to get all of the information about your laptop battery. PS…

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Show interface status with the command line on a Cisco switch.

The show interface brief command, issued at the elevated command prompt will show the status of all ports on the switch/router and also show your vlan interfaces you have created. tyrion#show ip interface brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Vlan1 unassigned YES NVRAM up down Vlan2 YES NVRAM…

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