Astronomy still very popular in the modern age.

The BBC has hosted an astronomy night which resulted in the discovery of another exoplanet around a distant star. This is good news in the search for interstellar life. The Universe would have to be trillions of light-years across by now, the edges travelling faster than the speed of light,…

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HP releases new Star Wars laptop, just in time for holiday shopping.

Hewlett Packard have released a new Star Wars themed laptop, just in time for Christmas. This laptop, starting at $699.99 is a bargain and would be the perfect present for any Star Wars fan. See all of the options and customize before purchasing on this page: Buy one today…

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Dominos Pizza company planning a moon base store.

The Dominos Pizza company are planning to build a store on the moon, the Pizza Hut company delivered a pizza to the International Space Station and now Dominos wants to outdo them by constructing a dome-shaped restaurant on the moon. Construction firm Maeda Corp has come up with the design…

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Ugandan space program is underway.

The Ugandan space program is all set after the announcement that space enthusiasts in the third world country are constructing a space shuttle that they are planning to put into space within six years. How they are going to actually get this contraption into space is a good question, The…

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