New Stalker mod in the works with a 1:1 Pripyat map.

There is a new Stalker mod in the works. This has a 1:1 Pripyat map that will be the largest Stalker map ever. Here is a screenshot of the work in progress map. This mod is based upon the Call of Pripyat game engine. Hopefully, this comes out, it would…

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Build Stalker information and sketches.

I have found a very nice archive, this is a lot of build Stalker Call of Pripyat information and sketches. There is a lot of spreadsheets with artifact statistics as well. This would be very interesting to any Stalker fan. Download it here: There are also a few photos…

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New English translation mod for Stalker New Arsenal 7.

This new mod I put together contains a very good English translation for New Arsenal 7, plus music from Объединенный пак 2.1. This would be very helpful if you are an English speaking player and do not like translating strings of text with Yandex. But this is a great mod…

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How to merge a bunch of music files together with sox.

I had a folder full of music files from a Stalker mod. But I needed to merge them together into stereo files as they were separate left and right files. Ending in _l.ogg and _r.ogg. But I managed to get this working wth help from Stackoverflow. for f in *_l.ogg;…

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OP 2.2 Stalker mod to be the best yet.

The new version of Cumulative Pack 2.2 is apparently going to be the best version yet. Many quests in this massive mod have been changed around, and quite a large number of quests have been added. Many things like shooting all of the Boars charging towards the Duty checkpoint will…

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Play Stalker Call of Pripyat on Linux with OpenXray.

The new open-source OpenXray engine allows a gamer to run Call of Pripyat on Linux. This is how to install this very useful application. This comes as a PPA, just add the PPA to your system. 4.4 Thu Jan 16 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eagleivg/openxray4.4 Thu Jan 16 jason@Yog-Sothoth…

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Narodnaya Solyanka Cumulative Pack 2.2 to be out next year.

The new mega Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl mod Объединенный пак 2.1 is going to receive an update next year with the OP 2.2 version slated for release. This features a 64bit engine and new areas. This will also feature a new plot and older more familiar quests are redone. This…

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Stalker Anomaly mod not perfect.

The Stalker Anomaly beta 3.0 mod is plagued by poor AI according to a few players. This means it is inferior to other older mods like Dead Air. But the main problem is the levels are not occupied by many enemies, compared to Dead Air, they are empty and lifeless,…

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New Demosfen Stalker mod is quite good but needs improvement.

The new Demosfen Stalker mod based upon the Call of Chernobyl base is quite good, with some nice new maps and edited maps such as Rostok and Cordon. The graphics are nice. I have only had one crash. The Rostok area has an underground complex underneath the Rostok bar, this…

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Modding Dead Air is an entertaining enterprise.

I am still working on modding the Stalker Dead Air mod. This one is a bit old now, but benefits from a lot of changes. I have changed the Rostok megaphone audio to the audio used in the Stalker beta builds. This is controlled in the configs\misc\sound\script_sound_l05_bar.ltx file, this controls…

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