How to list all password login failures in Ubuntu 20.04.

Users that try and fail to log in to your system leave a record in the system logs. This is how to find out what time this was and which user they attempted to log in as. The /var/log/auth.log file is the one that contains the login records. All successful…

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How to install and start SSH on Kali Linux 2019

Installing and setting up SSH on Kali Linux 2019 is very easy. This enables an SSH connection from Bitvise SSH Client into a VMWare instance of Kali Linux. Firstly, install the SSH service. root@kali:~# apt install sshroot@kali:~# apt install ssh Then, once it is installed, start the SSH service on…

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Very useful Ubuntu tips and tricks.

How to change your Ubuntu password as a normal user. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ passwd Changing password for jason. (current) UNIX password: Enter new UNIX password:jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ passwd Changing password for jason. (current) UNIX password: Enter new UNIX password: Just enter you current password and then enter a new one twice. It is that…

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Connect to a Ubiquity wireless Nanostation easily.

This is how I get the IP information from a Ubiquity wireless Nanostation. XM.v5.5.3# ifconfig br0 br0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr DC:9F:DB:42:59:2B inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::de9f:dbff:fe42:592b/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING ALLMULTI MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:921 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:501 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0…

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How to show a banner explaining terms of use for an SSH connection before login.

It is very simple to show a banner to your users, that explains the terms of use for an SSH connection upon the user reaching a login prompt. Firstly, create a file named info in the /etc/ssh directory. sudo touch /etc/ssh/infosudo touch /etc/ssh/info Then put this in it. *************************************************************************** NOTICE…

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How to have a nice text banner associated with your Linux user account.

Your Linux user account details may be seen with the finger command, i.e finger jason. But the user can add more information to this as well. Create a file in your home directory named .plan and put this into it. ***************************************************************************^M NOTICE TO USERS     This computer system is…

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Crack an SSH password with hydra and ways to avoid this in future.

I used this command to crack a Linux SSH account with hydra. hydra -l trump -P rockyou.txt ssh:// -l trump -P rockyou.txt ssh:// And this is the output I got once I managed to crack the user account over SSH. This is why you have fail2ban and other protections against…

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How to setup an SSH login using host keys instead of a password.

To setup an SSH login on your Linux machine that does not require a password and uses SSH host keys instead, follow this simple guide. Firstly, generate a set of keys for your SSH login. ubuntu ~/Documents $ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save…

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Useful Android apps for connecting to a Linux server.

Useful Android SSH and terminal apps Juice SSH. This is a useful app for Android that allows connecting to Linux machines with SSH. Termux. This is a terminal emulator app for Android that is a fully featured Linux shell. Very good for practicing Linux shell commands on Android. There is…

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Mr Robot TV show with TOR installation instructions.

This screenshot from a Mr Robot episode shows setup instructions for the nginx web server, the TOR browser and what appears to be an overall plan for hosting an onion website on the TOR network. There are instructions for installing the GPG keys for the TOR packages. But the root…

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Cracking an SSH login using hydra on Debian GNU/Linux.

The hydra brute forcing program allows a user to attack a login trying many passwords until the correct login information is discovered. I have tried this on localhost and I managed to crack the password for my SSH login on my laptop. I used rockyou.txt downloaded from this website and…

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