A Data Warehousing solution using SQL Server

I have been researching a system for deploying a database cluster. I have chosen the Microsoft SQL Server product. This does support server clustering and uses nodes clustered together on a network to create a failover network that will automatically maintain operation if one node is to fail. A virtual…

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Discussion of virtualization and database servers.

I have been researching a system for deploying a database cluster. I have chosen the Microsoft SQL Server product. This does support server clustering and uses nodes clustered together on a network to create a failover network that will automatically maintain operation if one node is to fail. A virtual…

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How to do a SQL injection attack against Damn Vulnerable Web App.

Damn Vulnerable Web App is a PHP web application that is deliberately vulnerable. This is used to learn how to attack websites by exploiting various vulnerabilities in the software. In this example, I am showing you how to use an SQL injection attack to get information out of the database….

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Useful way to practice SQL queries online in a web browser.

http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/STABLE/?pma_username=root. This is an online phpMyAdmin installation that allows you to create databases and practice the administration of the phpMyAdmin system online for free. if you want to practice MySQL queries and do not want the hassle of installing a huge package like SQL server 2012 or MySQl; then this…

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