Another good way to speed up the boot time of Ubuntu.

My Ubuntu 18.04 system was taking a long time to boot, but I have analyzed the problem with Systemd and now it should boot faster. Run this command to see which service takes the longest at boot time. 4.4 Thu Oct 17 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ systemd-analyze blame | head -n…

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Australian Internet is slower than Korea.

Updating the sources.lst as I write this, it is taking a long time, but I am using the Town Library connection with WIFI and it is only about 64K per second, so updating the aforementioned file with apt-get update takes quite a while to run. I wish Australia could get…

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Malcom Turnbull and his failure on the NBN.

Hack Tuesday April 9 2013: Listen to this recording of the ABC TripleJ radio show Hack and hear what Malcom Turnbull is planning if the Liberals get into power in 2013. A broadband network using copper wires instead of the Labour proposed fibre to the node that would use…

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How to speed up the KDE 4.8.0 desktop.

I have installed the KDE 4.8.0 desktop on Ubuntu 12.04 and this KDE release is the fastest yet, everything works very well, adding new themes, splash screens and window decorations works perfectly. Many people hate what Canonical are doing with the Unity desktop and the KDE desktop is a nice…

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Linux is getting bloated.

Is there a real reason the Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Linux Mint & Fedora have to be so bloated? The Debian distribution is very fast and usable compared to the Ubuntu distribution that has moved from the Gnome 2.32.1 desktop environment to the Unity desktop that has created some controversy…

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