Amazing facts about the Universe we live in.

This is a white super-giant star, this star is 185,000x brighter than the Sun, making it one bright stellar object indeed. This is the amazing Universe we live in. There are some strange objects out there that are stranger than we can imagine. Life could not exist around this super…

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Christian dark ages set back humanity.

The Stop Online Piracy Act is getting continued attention from Internet users like Chris Pirillo and others that are warning as many people as possible about this danger to Internet freedom that we face. The Muslim countries are trying this as well, they want to censor their web to stop…

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Voyager probe leaving Solar System.

The Voyager probe that left Earth 34 years ago is now leaving the Solar System altogether and moving into a huge cloud of matter that is surrounding our Solar System. The craft’s batteries have enough power to keep the venerable craft operating until anno 2020. The fact that the computers…

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American spaceflight dream over.

The Russians are planning a Mars mission according to all the activity centered around the experiment that confined budding astronauts inside a capsule for 520 days to test their endurance and how well they can get along with each other. If they go to Mars and bring back some pictures,…

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Chinese space dominance.

The Chinese government has launched a space station module into orbit and are undeniably heading towards total dominance of space. Is this a good thing or bad? Once space is dominated by the communist countries then where will America be in this whole picture. Their economy is going downhill and…

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Ugandan space program is underway.

The Ugandan space program is all set after the announcement that space enthusiasts in the third world country are constructing a space shuttle that they are planning to put into space within six years. How they are going to actually get this contraption into space is a good question, The…

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European Space Agency to trial space vehicle.

The European Space Agency is planning the development of the IXV Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle planned to be operating by 2013. This is a re-usable space vehicle that can lift up to 450 kilometres into the upper atmosphere before re-entering the Earth`s atmosphere and braking with parachutes before splashing down into…

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