Neutron Stars documentary.

This documentary is a good explanation of the birth of Neutron stars, one of the densest and most awesome objects in the Universe. They are formed after a star explodes in a supernova and the stellar core is left behind with a huge amount of material compressed into the core…

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Astronomy still very popular in the modern age.

The BBC has hosted an astronomy night which resulted in the discovery of another exoplanet around a distant star. This is good news in the search for interstellar life. The Universe would have to be trillions of light-years across by now, the edges travelling faster than the speed of light,…

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NASA Voyager probe the furthest man-made machine from Earth.

The NASA Voyager probe that is currently travelling out of the Solar System has its own Twitter page! See it here: NASA Voyager. This probe has withstood amazing levels of radiation and kept up transmitting information back to NASA. On the sixth of September, the 35th anniversary of the launching…

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Exploration of space is very important.

The exploration of space is very important to the future of mankind, there are countless resources in the asteroid belt and the outer planets. Even the Moon has many Helium 3 deposits, this could be used by colonists. And the mineral resources in the asteroid belt that would make any…

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Linux more durable than ever before.

The Linux distributions we use today are more stable and reliable than ever before. I remember when filling up your hard drive would lead to a kernel panic, but today my hard disk was at 0% space and I just got a notification popup telling me that, so I could…

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Some very useful Powershell tricks.

Print the current date and time with Powershell. "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date)"{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) This is an example of what this will give you. PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) Tuesday – 08:42:05 – 30/1/18PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss -…

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Amazing sights and possibilities in space.

Amazing sights and possibilities in space There are some amazing sights in space that we could discover in time if we could get there. This picture shows a binary star system in deep space. This is surrounded by a massive cloud of debris and dust. This could possibly create a…

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New exoplanet discovered 32.7 light-years from Earth.

Astronomers have discovered a new exoplanet that is 37.7 light-years from Earth. And it is a very short trip too, at 50,000,000 miles per hour, an intrepid space traveler could reach it in 43.86 average Gregorian years. That is not long at all. At 8000,000,000 kilometers per hour, our space…

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Pluto probe is an exciting achievement for humanity.

The New Horizons probe to Pluto has sent back some exciting photos. The smallest planet in the solar system is also the coldest, -233 degrees Celsius. This makes it too cold to land on. A spacesuit would not last long in such cryogenic temperatures. But this is the furthest object…

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Indian space probe imaging the Martian landscape from space.

The Indian space probe, Mars Orbiter Mission has reached the red planet. This is a momentous day for the struggling nation, this shows that anyone can reach into space if they have the money and the determination to achieve greatness. Mars has always been a mystery ever since the first…

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