Cyberpunk 2077 source code has some interesting stuff in it.

This code in the Cyberpunk 2077 source leak has information about censorship options. This is to do with censoring Homosexuality, Nudity, Drugs, and Gore. dev/src/common/gameTelemetry/src/telemetryAggregator_InitialChoices.cpp215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 void InitialChoicesAggregator::GetCenshorship( telemetry::parameters::Censorship& censorship ) const { RED_SCOPE_FLAG_GUARD( m_accessFlag, Inclusive );  …

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Cyberpunk 2077 source code has been leaked.

The source code for the Cyberpunk 2077 computer game has been leaked, this is mostly scripts and build logs as well as some source code for PS4, PS5, and Xbox. This could be very interesting, the torrent is 818 GiB in size. This is a massive download. I do not…

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Windows XP Program Manager source code.

Here is the source code to the Windows Program Manager, this is the main interface in Windows 3.1 and 3.11. This used program groups to organize various applications like Microsoft Office and accessories. As well as the ability to create your own program groups to organize your favorite applications. Download…

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Nissan source code leaked due to a mis-configured GIT repository.

The source of numerous Nissan products has been leaked to the Internet due to an improperly configured GIT repository. The login details were admin:admin. That is how useless the incompetent IT staff are. Now countless people are downloading the torrent and looking through all of the files. This is why…

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Windows 2000 source code leaked.

The Windows 2000 and Windows NT 3.51 source code has leaked on to the Internet. This is a very interesting release of code. I wonder how much of this code is still in Windows 10. it is nice to look back at older releases of Windows and see how it…

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Venom Linux. A very nice and fast Linux distribution.

There is a very nice Linux distribution available. This is called Venom Linux. This is very fast to boot after installation. In my VMWare instance, it booted in a couple of seconds after pressing enter at the boot screen. This is a live CD distribution with MATE, XFce 4, Lxde…

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NT 3.50 Build 782 (RC2) source code has been leaked.

The source code for the NT 3.50 Build 782 (RC2) source code has been leaked. This is a complete archive of source code for the operating system, a very old version of Windows NT. Here is some sample source code from the CMD utility, this is CMD.C. \PRIVATE\WINDOWS\CMD\CMD.C1 2 3…

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Microsoft to add exFAT support to Linux kernel.

Microsoft Corporation are intending to add code to the Linux kernel to support exFAT. This would allow better support for exFAT storage devices without using proprietary Linux kernel modules. This is very good news, if only Nvidia would supply open source drivers for their hardware, then using it would be…

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How to install the new VIM 8.1 release from source code.

Installing the new VIM release from source is very easy. I have this running on Ubuntu 17.10 and it is great, the editor allows the user to open a terminal within the editor. Make a new folder to download the files into. Go into the directory, and then run this…

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Install tcsh on Ubuntu with this simple guide.

Install the tcsh shell on Ubuntu Linux easily with this simple guide The tcsh shell for Linux is a free but enhanced version of the old Berkeley UNIX C shell (csh). This is a very good alternative to the standard bash shell that most Linux machines come with. Download the…

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Apple open source code that is available to everyone. How I installed the zsh shell on Fedora 19 from source code. There is a good selection of open-source code here that Apple is using on their machines. I downloaded the tarball of the zsh shell here: This was compiled very easily after I installed the ncurses-devel RPM from this location for Fedora 19: Then I was able to…

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