How to record PC sound to a file with ffmpeg and Pulseaudio.

Recording sound from your computer to a file is pretty easy with Pulseaudio. Assuming you know what device you are using to listen to audio, then it may be selected and recorded from. Use this command to find the device name. ~$ pacmd list-sources~$ pacmd list-sources Then you may get…

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How to download only the audio from a Youtube video.

It is possible to download just the audio from a Youtube video. This is very easy. Use youtube-dl to view information about the Youtube video and find the m4a audio track. 4.4 Sat Dec 07 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ youtube-dl -F [youtube] JWPe9uh7FWU: Downloading webpage [youtube] JWPe9uh7FWU: Downloading video info…

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How to turn on line-in with Pulseaudio on Ubuntu 18.04.

The default pulseadio configuration does not automatically load the module to run line-in input for listening to audio from an external device. But this simple command will load this easily. 4.4 Thu Nov 15 jason@Yog-Sothoth 1: $ pactl load-module module-loopback 314.4 Thu Nov 15 jason@Yog-Sothoth 1: $ pactl load-module module-loopback…

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Desktop Linux still a very good and secure operating system.

As I type this, the website is still down and the Linux kernel is still hosted on Github instead. What is going on here? This attack on software freedom, possibly perpetrated by Microsoft shills that want everyone to be stuck on closed source software instead of the free and open source alternatives…

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