Experimenting with Sun Solaris 10 OS.

I have installed SUN Solaris 10 in a Virtual Machine. This is fun to experiment with. SUN Solaris Java Desktop System. This uses a very nice desktop theme. Once installed it only has the root account. But you can su to root and then run the smc command at the…

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Cool GTK and Metacity theme to make MATE look like CDE.

GTK MATE theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/CDE-Solaris?content=19627. This is a lovely grey theme that themes the GTK interface to look like CDE. The Metacity theme that completes the CDE look: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=18870. This is perfect if you want a retro-looking Linux Mint 15 MATE desktop. Blue Sun GTK theme: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Blue+Sun+GTK+Theme?content=93650. This is a very…

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Tron Legacy UNIX commands revisited.

http://www.securitronlinux.com/uncategorized/tron-legacy-unix-operating-system/. As seen in this posting above, the Tron Legacy movie used computers with a variant of the Solaris UNIX operating system. The ps -ef command works in the FreeBSD UNIX distribution, you need to mount procfs with this command: mount -t procfs proc /proc this will enable the proc…

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Using Linux commands to see information about your hardware.

Using the vmstat command to see which hard disk partitions are the busiest is very easy. Use the vmstat -p /dev/sda1 command and your hard disk information will be printed showing the number of reads and writes for each partition. On my Ubuntu system, the /dev/sda1 partition is the busiest….

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