A good tip to speed up the Firefox UI easily on Ubuntu 20.04.

The Firefox UI on Ubuntu 20.04 was very slow for some reason. But this trick was a good way to help speed it back up. Go into about:config and then set the value below to true and then restart the browser. gfx.webrender.force-disabledgfx.webrender.force-disabled This seems to have sped it up greatly….

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How to use FFmpeg to get a slow-motion video clip.

Making a slow-motion clip from a video can be very useful to show off what is happening in a certain scene. The example below will make a slow-motion clip from a video file. This would be another very useful FFmpeg tip. > ffmpeg -i qS_lu5dKo9A2qoNW.mp4 -c:v libvpx -b:v 3200k -filter:v…

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Another good way to speed up the boot time of Ubuntu.

My Ubuntu 18.04 system was taking a long time to boot, but I have analyzed the problem with Systemd and now it should boot faster. Run this command to see which service takes the longest at boot time. 4.4 Thu Oct 17 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ systemd-analyze blame | head -n…

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Broadband in Australia is worse than Uganda.

The Australian Broadband Network is the envy of no one. This is terrible. Constant dropouts, and slow speeds are the norm in Australia. We could have had super fast Internet in Australia, but we got copper wires combined with some fiber connections. But the presence of a 1000 Mega Bits…

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How I sped up Ubuntu 18 quite a bit with one simple command.

Ubuntu on my system was a bit slow, and the applications were a little slow to load, I found out that this little trick will speed up my system. Run this command as root to get a nice speed boost on Ubuntu. sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=1sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=1 This…

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Removing Network Manager from Ubuntu. I am sick of it.

I am finally sick of using Network Manager on Ubuntu 18. It seems to make my Internet connection slower and I am constantly messing around trying to fix it. I used the command below to remove the Network Manager service. 4.4 Fri Aug 31 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo apt-get remove…

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Fix very slow Internet on Ubuntu 18 easily.

My Internet connection in Ubuntu 18 was very slow compared to Windows 8.1. This is how I fixed it. Run this command to open the /etc/resolv.conf file for editing. If you do not have VIM installed, try nano instead. Or run sudo apt install vim-common. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $…

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