Very useful code samples for decorating your base in Arma 3.

Decorating a base in Arma 3 is a lot of fun. Here is some useful code to help out with this. Spawn an LAU-68/A 70mm Rocket pod on a camp table. 1 2 3 _pos261 = [0,0,0]; _tree261 = createSimpleObject ["a3\weapons_f_epc\Ammo\Rocket_Pod_02_F.p3d", _pos261]; _tree261 attachTo [t3,[0,0,0.70]];_pos261 = [0,0,0]; _tree261 = createSimpleObject…

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The simplest hello world program you can write in C.

This is a very simple Hello World program that you can write in C. int main (void) {   write (1, "Hello World\n", 14); return 0; }int main (void) { write (1, "Hello World\n", 14); return 0; } Just compile the program like this: localhost% cc minimal.c -o small minimal.c:…

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The Linux file-system tree explained.

The Linux file-system tree explained. The standard Linux installation is laid out in various folders that each have a different role to play in the smooth running of a Linux distribution. |-/ |-/bin |-/boot |-/dev |-/etc |-/home/username |-/lib |-/lost+found |-/mnt |-/proc |-/root |-/sbin |-/tmp |-/usr |-/usr/local |-/var|-/ |-/bin |-/boot |-/dev…

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