Private space mission to the International Space Station.

There is a mission planned to the International Space Station. This mission is planning to carry goods to the space station as the first private enterprise space mission to perform this duty. With the retirement of the space shuttle, private enterprise is one way that the future of space travel…

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Ugandan space program is underway.

The Ugandan space program is all set after the announcement that space enthusiasts in the third world country are constructing a space shuttle that they are planning to put into space within six years. How they are going to actually get this contraption into space is a good question, The…

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European Space Agency to trial space vehicle.

The European Space Agency is planning the development of the IXV Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle planned to be operating by 2013. This is a re-usable space vehicle that can lift up to 450 kilometres into the upper atmosphere before re-entering the Earth`s atmosphere and braking with parachutes before splashing down into…

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