What to do after installing Ubuntu 20.04.

After installation of Ubuntu 20.04, you need to update all package repositories and then install all pending updates. Once this is done, then it will be ready and you may install other packages. During installation, there is the option to install all pending updates during that process, but I chose…

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How to setup an SSH login using host keys instead of a password.

To setup an SSH login on your Linux machine that does not require a password and uses SSH host keys instead, follow this simple guide. Firstly, generate a set of keys for your SSH login. ubuntu ~/Documents $ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save…

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Getting started with Ubuntu 17.04 and setting up your system.

Getting started with the Ubuntu Linux distribution Getting started with Ubuntu is a lot of fun, this post will show you how to get setup after installation of the new Ubuntu 17.04 distribution. Download a copy of Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntukylin/daily-live/current/. After the installation of Ubuntu Kylin, I could…

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Linux Mint 18 tricks and tips for setting up your new desktop.

Setting up your new Linux Mint 18 MATE desktop is a lot of fun, this post will help out new users to get the distribution set up after installation and update packages. As well as getting some awesome new wallpapers and MATE themes. After installation, updating the package repositories is…

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How to setup NTP on Ubuntu to set the system time automatically.

To install NTP on Linux and update the system time automatically from the Internet, firstly install the NTP client. jason@darkstar:~$ sudo apt-get install ntpjason@darkstar:~$ sudo apt-get install ntp Then install the ntpdate utility. sudo apt-get install ntpdatesudo apt-get install ntpdate Then you may synchronize the time on your machine with…

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How to get an OpenVPN server working on Ubuntu 14.04.

This guide, [openvpn.net] has a good guide to setting up an OpenVPN server on a Linux machine. I used this guide as the other guides online are not as good and often do not lead to a satisfactory result. I am using one on Linux and I can connect to…

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Simple MikroTik routing. Some useful links and information.

Simple static routing with a Mikrotik device. These links are useful when you are setting up a Mikrotik device and you need assistance with the complex setup of one of these tiny but powerful devices. http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Simple_Static_Routing. Creating a DMZ with a Mikrotik device. http://www.mikrotik.com/testdocs/ros/2.8/appex/dmz.php. Simple firewall script for a Mikrotik…

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Useful BIOS Setup simulator. This is a good learning tool.

BIOS Setup emulator: http://appro.mit.jyu.fi/tools/biossimu/simu.html#. This is a BIOS Setup simulator. This runs as a HTML page and this is a very interesting diversion as well as a learning tool. The computers BIOS or Basic Input Output System is stored on a CMOS chip with the settings stored with the power…

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Useful Linux Mint & Ubuntu tips.

To change the default console font, type: setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat7-TerminusBold32x16.psf.gzsetfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat7-TerminusBold32x16.psf.gz at the text console and then if you are happy with the size of that font, then type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setupsudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and set the same font there as you selected before, and then the initial ram disk will…

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