How I got the Internet connection working in Ubuntu server 14.03.

I installed Ubuntu server 14.03 in a Virtual Machine and after installation the Internet connection was not working. To fix this I added the nameservers to the /etc/resolv.conf file like this. nameserver nameserver nameserver After saving this file, I ran this command. sudo service resolveconf restartsudo…

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How to install Ubuntu server and setup a simple LAMP instance.

Installing Ubuntu server is quite straightforward. Firstly, choose the language. Then the user needs to choose what country they are in. And choose what keyboard layout you are using. After this is out of the way, we get to the main installation tasks. We need to choose a hostname for…

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Set or change a passphrase for an OpenVPN server key.

This command will set a passphrase for the server pem file for OpenVPN on Linux. I setup a VPN configuration on Ubuntu and forgot to set the passphrase. This is how I managed to set one. ubuntu@ip-172-31-13-140:~$ sudo openssl rsa -des3 -in server-key.pem -out server2.pem Enter pass phrase for server-key.pem:…

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How to install a Windows feature on server 2012 using Powershell.

This Powershell command will install a Windows feature on your Windows 8.1 or server 2012 machine. I am only using the telnet server as an example. PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-WindowsFeature telnet-server Success Restart Needed Exit Code Feature Result ——- ————– ——— ————– True No Success {Telnet Server} This is how easy…

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How to get an OpenVPN server working on Ubuntu 14.04.

This guide, [] has a good guide to setting up an OpenVPN server on a Linux machine. I used this guide as the other guides online are not as good and often do not lead to a satisfactory result. I am using one on Linux and I can connect to…

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Some more useful Linux commands for the desktop and server user.

This simple command allows the user to print the contents of a variable. homer@deusexmachina:~ % echo "$LOGNAME" homerhomer@deusexmachina:~ % echo "$LOGNAME" homer Use the netstat command to get information about all network connections to and from your machine. homer@deusexmachina:~ % netstat Active Internet connections Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign…

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Installing Windows HyperV Server 2012 and creating a new VM instance.

HyperV Server is a standalone hypervisor that allows a machine to host server instances without the overhead of a server operating system like Server 2012 R2. Firstly, download the ISO image here: 1.6 Gigabytes. Then burn this at a slow speed to a suitable DVDR disk. Boot from the…

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More useful Windows Server 2012 CMD commands.

The route PRINT command shows the routing table. This gives some insight into your network connections. C:\Users\Administrator>route PRINT =========================================================================== Interface List 18…1e 0f 6e 5d e1 25 ……Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter 13…4c 0f 6e 5d e1 25 ……Qualcomm Atheros AR5B97 Wireless Network Adapter 12…88 ae 1d 6d 09 bc…

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How to install µTorrent Server on Linux Mint 15.

This is a relatively painless process if you follow this tutorial. Note that I am using a 64bit operating system. First off; download the µtorrent client here: If it is in the ~/Downloads folder then type: tar -xvf utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gztar -xvf utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gz Install the required libssl component. sudo apt-get install…

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Ubuntu moving towards a new display server to replace Xorg.

Ubuntu developers are working on a next generation display server known as Mir. A system-level component targeted as a replacement for the X window server system to unlock next-generation user experiences for devices ranging from Linux desktop to mobile devices powered by Ubuntu. This document outlines the motivation for the…

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