Setting up an SSH server is very easy.

The Secure Shell, or SSH, provides a way of running command line and graphical applications, and transferring files, over an encrypted connection. SSH uses up to 2,048-bit encryption with a variety of cryptographic schemes to make sure that if a cracker intercepts your connection, all they can see is useless…

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How to start the SSH server in Venom Linux.

To start the SSH server on a Venom Linux machine, use this command. bash-5.0# /usr/sbin/sshdbash-5.0# /usr/sbin/sshd This will start up the SSH server and then you may connect over SSH to your machine. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and make these changes to allow the SSH server to run and allow…

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A Data Warehousing solution using SQL Server

I have been researching a system for deploying a database cluster. I have chosen the Microsoft SQL Server product. This does support server clustering and uses nodes clustered together on a network to create a failover network that will automatically maintain operation if one node is to fail. A virtual…

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Best solution for an online and dependable Linux VPS.

The best solution for a very reliable Linux VPS is Rose Hosting. They offer a Linux machine with a FreePBX service already installed, this can be a great solution for setting up a VOIP telephone system over the Internet. Also a machine for running other services like a mail or…

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Discussion of virtualization and database servers.

I have been researching a system for deploying a database cluster. I have chosen the Microsoft SQL Server product. This does support server clustering and uses nodes clustered together on a network to create a failover network that will automatically maintain operation if one node is to fail. A virtual…

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Print useful Ubuntu news in your terminal easily.

This useful news is printed when a user opens the TTY console on Ubuntu and logs in. The news is from /var/cache/motd-news. But if a user puts this command in their .bashrc, the news will appear. cat /var/cache/motd-newscat /var/cache/motd-news The /var/run/motd.dynamic file contains the rest of the information printed to…

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How to show a banner explaining terms of use for an SSH connection before login.

It is very simple to show a banner to your users, that explains the terms of use for an SSH connection upon the user reaching a login prompt. Firstly, create a file named info in the /etc/ssh directory. sudo touch /etc/ssh/infosudo touch /etc/ssh/info Then put this in it. *************************************************************************** NOTICE…

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Linux just as important as ever in the modern world.

Windows 10 is the current operating system that Microsoft are pimping, but Linux is still very important. Servers run the free operating system, and there are many jobs that require Linux administration experience. The Windows 10 bash shell cannot run server software such as Apache and MySQL, this means that…

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How to get just the IP address of your Linux machine using curl.

To get just the IP address of your Internet facing Linux machine, use this command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl icanhazip.comjason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/ipinfo/src$ curl This will return just your IP address. This is another way to get this information. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ curl$ curl To get information about a DNS server, use the dig…

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How to setup NTP on Ubuntu to set the system time automatically.

To install NTP on Linux and update the system time automatically from the Internet, firstly install the NTP client. jason@darkstar:~$ sudo apt-get install ntpjason@darkstar:~$ sudo apt-get install ntp Then install the ntpdate utility. sudo apt-get install ntpdatesudo apt-get install ntpdate Then you may synchronize the time on your machine with…

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