Ubuntu 12.04 spotted at the Best Buy retail store?

This screen spotted in a Best Buy retail store is running a Nintendo display and appears to be using Ubuntu 12.04. Best Buy do not seem to have a very tolerant attitude towards the Ubuntu Linux distribution, but they are using it in a limited capacity to run display screens….

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IT security management very critical in these dangerous times.

With the many security issues that many businesses are dealing with these days, a managed security plan is vital to make sure that private company information is not leaked by malicious software and viruses. The services of  managed IT services Melbourne can ensure that your business can run smoothly and…

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Securing your WordPress installation with Website Defender.

http://www.websitedefender.com/announcements/websitedefender-wordpress-security-plugin-news/scan-blog-wordpress-security-scan/. Securing your WordPress installation is vital, the PHP installation as well as the MySQL database need to be protected. The Website Defender website offers a free service that will scan your website and offer suggestions on how to secure your WordPress installation and any other software that you have…

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Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing.

Good Firefox 11.0 setup for safer web browsing. The Firefox web browser truly is a very good and safe browser for everyday use, but with the addition of some extensions, the browsing experience can be made even more secure. Firstly, the Noscript extension is the best and most useful extension…

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Serious Google Chrome security flaws fixed.

http://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/google-fixes-serious-flaws-chrome-including-critical-safe-browsing-bug-012412. Google have repaired a number of flaws in the Google Chrome web browser, including a serious security flaw. But I would rather use the open source Chromium browser instead of the Chrome alternative, considering the security flaws that have been uncovered. I have written about this issue in the…

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Linux and UNIX security compared to Windows and Apple.

Linux and UNIX security compared to Windows and Apple Comparing Linux and UNIX security to Windows and Apple. The OSGUI tech show host has posted a video with 6 reasons why Linux sucks, with one of the reasons being that there are many packaging systems instead of just one. But…

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Securing your Facebook profile.

These are the cookies stored on my machine that Facebook has stored on my computer without me knowing. This happens because a website has put the Facebook Like button on their page, then Facebook can track you and see what browsing you are doing after you leave your Facebook session….

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Ubuntu Security tips. Very useful webpage.

There is a very useful posting here: http://rationallyparanoid.com/articles/ubuntu-10-lts-security.html That gives many useful tips on how to secure your Ubuntu distribution during installation and how to properly configure it afterwards. There are tips on setting the title-bar buttons back to the right of the window and how to properly re-enable the…

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Governments, IOC and UN hit by massive cyber attack.

A massive cyber attack has struck the IOC, UN and government agencies. IT security firm McAffe has posted a list of 72 organisations that were targeted over a five year period. Including the International Olympic Committee, United Nations and some security firms. There is speculation that China may be behind…

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