Linux security considerations to lock down a shared server.

SSH keysVirtual Private NetworkUse sudo instead of suVulnerability updatesLogin failure delayIptablesPasswords Securing a Linux server is very important. There are many attacks against UNIX servers and the security of corporate networks must be protected by many layered security devices and comprehensive security plans to deal with any problems experienced by…

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Security still forgotten on the Internet.

The concept of securing your website is forgotten on the modern Internet, there are still unsecured websites and half-completed Drupal installations littering the web. This must be taken care of. There are a huge number of SQL database dumps that have been saved in /backup/ folders exposed to the Internet,…

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Macintosh OSX Sierra vulnerable to a moronic security bug.

The Macintosh Sierra operating system from Apple is vulnerable to a moronic security vulnerability. The user only needs to open a username/password prompt that requires elevation to perform a task and then enter the username ‘root’ and leave the password field blank. Then just click unlock twice, and the user…

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Internet security tips for staying safe online in a modern world.

SSH keysVirtual Private NetworkUse sudo instead of suVulnerability updatesLogin failure delayIptablesPasswordsSecurity tips for staying safe online—Start of medium level security——Measures that cost money——Start of physical access measures——Start of high level security——Start of deterrent measures—Further reading Security tips for staying safe online Level 1: Avoid using your real name online and…

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Why you should secure your WIFI access point. This is important.

Computer security in the modern world depends upon many factors. One of them is the security of your wireless access point. Some people have access points that have a weak password. This means that a malicious computer user with a Linux machine running aircrack can access your WIFI by cracking…

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Useful TOR hidden links for studying computer security.

Cryptoparty handbook. http://crypty22ijtotell.onion/handbook/index.html. A book about keeping safe online and maintaining anonymity if required. Soylent news. Slashdot styled news website. http://7rmath4ro2of2a42.onion/. NetSec WIKI page. http://netsec7moavvkprc.onion/Main_Page. My Secret World Tech blog. http://32avzir6unmcg2y2.onion/. Debconf Annual Debian conference website. http://gmi5gld3uk5ozvrv.onion/. CyberGuerrilla Anonymous Nexus. http://lu4qfnnkbnduxurt.onion/. Anynymous and secure communication options for the TOR network….

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Tor Is Released

The latest version of the Tor project was released this week, offering
greater security and anonymity to individuals and organizations. Here’s
why you should care.

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Libarchive Security Flaw Discovered

When it comes to security, everyone knows you shouldn’t run executable
files from an untrustworthy source. Back in the late 1990s, when web
users were a little more naive, it was quite common to receive infected
email messages with fake attachments.

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Snappy Moves to New Platforms

Canonical’s Snappy package manager is taking its first steps outside the
Ubuntu world. As of now, you can install it on Arch, Debian, Fedora
and several other popular distros. more>>

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Linux just as important as ever in the modern world.

Windows 10 is the current operating system that Microsoft are pimping, but Linux is still very important. Servers run the free operating system, and there are many jobs that require Linux administration experience. The Windows 10 bash shell cannot run server software such as Apache and MySQL, this means that…

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Linux Mint security breach cause for much discussion.

The recent security breach on the Linux Mint website shows that updating a WordPress website regularly is very important. This breach allowed malicious attackers to compromise the Mint website and change download links to point to Linux Mint ISO images that contained extra files. Therefore, the people using these ISO`s…

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How to scan your Kali Linux system for security vulnerabilities using the lynis tool.

The lynis tool for Kali Linux allows you to scan your computer system for security vulnerabilities. Execute this command as root and this will allow you to find out if you have any problems with your installation. root@kali:/home/homer# lynis –check-all   [ Lynis 1.4.1 ]   ################################################################################ Lynis comes with…

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Infographic: U.S. Finally Getting Smart.

It took the hacking of 70 million Target credit cards during the 2013 holiday season to spur Congress into abandoning the highly unsecure magnetic-stripe cards used by most Americans and setting a deadline for the new (to the U.S., anyway) smart card technology. While Americans are just starting to learn…

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