How to have the old scrollbar style in Firefox 100 on Windows 11.

The new Firefox 100 release is very good, but it has a new feature that inherits scrollbar behaviour from Windows 11. This means you get a floating scrollbar like an Android phone. But this is easily fixed. Search in the Start menu for “scrollbars”. Then click the Always show Scrollbars…

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How to have a much wider scrollbars in Firefox on Debian.

The scrollbars on Firefox are very narrow and annoying, but this may be fixed. This is how to get wider scrollbars in Firefox when using Linux. The best way is to edit the about:config and then look for this entry. widget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-sizewidget.non-native-theme.gtk.scrollbar.thumb-size Change this to 1.50 and this makes the scrollbar…

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