A nice AutoHotkey script for Windows to hide your screen.

This AutoHotkey script for Windows will hide your screen when you press Windows-H. You may change the settings at the top for the desired effects. it isn’t going to block stuff like win key + d or alt control delete but it will be a good enough panic button if…

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Lovely wallpapers for the KDE 4.11 Linux desktop.

http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Cuba+for+cuban?content=120562. Cuba for cuban. A lovely 2560*1600 resolution wallpaper. http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Cloud%27s+on+sunset?content=125325. Clouds on sunset. This is a lovely sunset wallpaper. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8374/8546631761_4f59b4cb8b_o.jpg. A widescreen wallpaper suitable for multiple monitors. I just wish that KDE 4.11 would let you span wallpapers. http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/D16549d0/03422_standingontheedgeofinfinity_3840x2400.jpg. Gorgeous foggy forest wallpaper. This one is awesome. Monochrome long exposure…

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HTML5 Metro UI on Ubuntu Linux.

This is a UI for Linux that gives users a Metro styled screen to use on their Linux desktop. This looks like the Metro start screen, but you have to build the menu yourself. Metro might come to Linux in a proper fashion, but I am not sure if this…

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Awesome dual and quad monitor wallpapers suitable for a Linux desktop environment.

Quad screen space wallpaper suitable for any Linux desktop: http://www.wallpaperpimper.com/wallpaper/Quad_Screen/Blue-Star-Field-5120×1024.jpg. A nice 3D rendered wallpaper that features a lovely snowy mountains scene: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a121/Paul_D/ScreenShot00014.jpg. This wallpaper is a super high resolution image suitable for about 6 screens, 7300*1000 pixels resolution: http://www.west-crete.com/img/panoramas/hania-harbour-panorama7large.jpg. Get a good selection of dual monitor gaming wallpapers on…

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New plugin for Compiz allows moving the Unity dock to the bottom.

This plugin for Compiz allows you to move the Unity launcher to the bottom of the screen, which makes more sense on a widescreen monitor, which comprises the majority of all computers around the world that will be using the Unity desktop. More information here: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/how-to-move-unity-launcher-to-bottom-of.html. Why does Unity not…

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