How to save your place in a movie when exiting MPV.

Saving your place in a movie when exiting MPV is very easy, this would be very useful when watching a long film and you need to exit the player and watch some more later. Add this to the ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf file. save-position-on-quitsave-position-on-quit This will allow the player to resume playback when…

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How to save a Youtube playlist as mp3 files with Linux.

Saving a Youtube playlist as mp3 files is easy with Linux. The youtube-dl script is capable of handling this easily. You need to specify the playlist ID instead of the whole URL. Below is an example, this shows how easy it is to save a bunch of videos as mp3…

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How to download a Youtube video as an MP3 with Linux.

Saving a Youtube video as audio and not video is very easy. This command below will save Youtube audio as an MP3 file. You need youtube-dl as well. Then select a Youtube video and use this one-liner to download it as an MP3 audio file. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Videos$ youtube-dl -f 140…

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Dump the contents of a virtual console with this command.

There is a simple way to dump the contents of a virtual console to a file, the screendump command is the best way to achieve this. ubuntu ~ $ sudo screendump Ubunt * Stopping System V runlevel compatibility [ OK ] u 14.0 * Starting execute cloud user/final scripts […

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Useful Arma 3 code samples to improve your missions.

This code will make your Arma 3 missions run much more smoothly. And provide some nice tricks to make the mission more enjoyable. Put this into the initPlayerLocal.sqf file. This will remove stamina and make weapon sway much more realistic, i.e no Micheal J Fox mode after running. player setCustomAimCoef…

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