Wannacry malware execution flowchart.

This is the execution flow for the Wannacry malware. This ransomware can encrypt all of your files and then demand payment in bitcoins to decrypt the files. The virus was recently remade into a 2.0 with no killswitch. But the older version is this one that had a killswitch that…

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Some miscellaneous Linux commands.

To reboot your Linux machine, use the sudo reboot command. Another way is to type sudo shutdown -r now. This command will also shut down your machine. ┌─[jason@darkstar]─[~] └──╼ $sudo init 0┌─[jason@darkstar]─[~] └──╼ $sudo init 0 Use this command to reboot your computer. ┌─[jason@darkstar]─[~] └──╼ $sudo init 6┌─[jason@darkstar]─[~] └──╼ $sudo…

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My Mikrotik PPTP configuration file. This is a working config.

This is a working PPTP configuration I used to connect two Mikrotik routers together using a PPTP configuration on a local LAN. # jan/01/2002 01:56:00 by RouterOS 6.2 # software id = 8HHI-TYLD # /interface bridge add admin-mac=D4:CA:6D:31:02:53 auto-mac=no l2mtu=1598 name=bridge-local \ protocol-mode=rstp /interface wireless set 0 band=2ghz-b/g/n channel-width=20/40mhz-ht-above disabled=no…

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Very cool code that prints a tick sign in asterisks. This is awesome C++ code.

This code prints out a tick sign using asterisks. I tested this code on Fedora 19 and gcc 4.8 and it compiles without any problems. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip>   using std::cout;   int main() {   cout<<std::setw(8)<<"*"<<"n"; cout<<std::setw(7)<<"*"<<"n"; cout<<std::setw(6)<<"*"<<"n";   cout<<"* *"<<"n"<<"* *"<<"n"<<"*"; cout<< "n";   return 0; }#include…

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