Another very good way to parse an XML RSS feed to plain text.

This solution I found is a very good way to parse an XML RSS feed to plain text. This requires the XMLStarlet utility. On a Macbook it was installed easily. [ jason@$deusexmachina.local ] [ Jobs 0. PWD: ~. -bash 3.2.57. ] [ 118-:$ ] -> brew install xmlstarlet ==> Downloading…

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Youtube RSS feeds died temporarily but now they are back.

Youtube RSS feeds died for a short time, but now they are back. These are a great way to get information about a Youtube user`s latest uploaded videos. This can allow access to the thumbnail file and the views count. Here is an example URL. This is a sample…

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RSS Feed fixed.

I have replaced the files in the Twenty Ten theme with my own index.php and associated files and did some PHP hacking and the feed is working! I wish I knew about this before, but the thread here: gave me this idea.

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