Get information about the routing table on a mac computer.

This simple command will print the routing table from a Mac computer. deusexmachina:~ jason$ netstat -nr Routing tables   Internet: Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire default UGSc 69 0 en0 127 UCS 0 0 lo0 UH 2 120 lo0 169.254 link#4 UCS 0 0…

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How to get the routing table of your network with Windows and Linux.

Showing the routing table in Linux is very useful when you are required to get information about a network. This is the output when retrieving the routing table in Windows 7. C:\Users\jason>route PRINT =========================================================================== Interface List 16…00 ff f0 18 9a f5 ……TAP-Windows Adapter V9 13…00 13 46 3a 02…

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