How to use the RHS Raven UAV in Arma 3.

The RHS Raven UAV is a bit hard to use as it is more realistic than the Darter drones and how to actually use it is annoying, but immersive. Give your character the Eagle A-III Backpack (Raven) backpack. Place this on the ground in a safe open area and then…

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How to spawn a nuke explosion with a script in Arma 3 with RHS.

This is how to spawn a nuke explosion with a script in Arma 3. This only does damage in a small radius, but it still is a lot of fun. [getMarkerPos "respawn_west", 500] call rhs_fnc_ss21_nuke;[getMarkerPos "respawn_west", 500] call rhs_fnc_ss21_nuke; This section of code will spawn a HE SCUD missile on…

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How to get RHS units to garrison buildings in Arma 3.

The simple CBA_fnc_taskDefend function will enable RHS Escalation units to garrison buildings. The Community Base Addons mod is required for this function. Just place this code in the init of each group leader. [this] call CBA_fnc_taskDefend;[this] call CBA_fnc_taskDefend; This is another example. The troops will head towards the marker named…

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