Another way to remove snapd from Ubuntu.

This is how to remove Snapd from the latest Ubuntu if you do not wish to use Firefox as a snap. You may download a copy of Firefox for Linux here anyway. sudo systemctl stop snapd && sudo systemctl disable snapd sudo apt purge snapd rm -rf ~/snap sudo…

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Permanently Remove Snaps from Ubuntu

There are some security issues with snaps in Ubuntu, this is one example: This is how to remove snaps from Ubuntu if you wish. Firstly, update your package repositories. ~$ sudo apt update~$ sudo apt update Remove all snapd, all installed snaps and the Software Center plugin (Don’t forget…

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How to have less padding in the menu area of Firefox 92.

This userChrome.css sample will reduce the padding betwixt menu sections in the Firefox 92 User Interface. userChrome.css1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /* Do not remove the @namespace line — it’s required for correct functioning */ /*@namespace url("");*/   @media (-moz-proton) { /* Tighten…

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How to create a new user on Linux and add a password in one go.

The useradd command can create a new user on your Linux system. Here is how to add a password as well all in one simple operation. root@neo:/home/jason# useradd -m -s /bin/bash -g users -p $(openssl passwd -1 ff302) randycoleroot@neo:/home/jason# useradd -m -s /bin/bash -g users -p $(openssl passwd -1 ff302)…

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How to have practically no weapon sway or recoil in an Arma 3 mission.

The weapon sway in Arma 3 is out of control right now. With the 1.54 Nexus update, the weapon sway is like a drunken Irishman. But you can remove this. player setCustomAimCoef 0.1; player addMPEventhandler ["MPRespawn", {player setCustomAimCoef 0.1}];   player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.1; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.1}];  …

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How to remove desktop icons with MATE 1.6 on Linux Mint 15.

This screenshot shows how to remove the desktop icons with the dconf-editor on Linux Mint 15 MATE. Simply open the dconf-editor, which is in System Tools and then untick this value: org -> mate -> desktop -> background -> show-desktop-icons. This will instantly get rid of those pesky icons that…

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How to remove the ATI unsupported hardware watermark in Linux Mint 15.

The ATI “unsupported hardware” watermark is a very annoying sight in Linux Mint 15. Here is how to remove it. This tip is for anyone who has installed the ATI drivers by typing sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle. Firstly; download the ATI drivers from the website. Then move the…

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