Play a movie from one Linux machine with MPV over a network with SSHFS.

SSH is amazing in that it can allow a user to access the resources of one machine from another over the network. But with fast gigabit Ethernet connections these days, playing movies from one machine from another is now possible. Install SSHFS on your machine. jason@jason-desktop:~/remote$ sudo apt install sshfsjason@jason-desktop:~/remote$…

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Coronavirus lockdown getting out of hand.

The hysteria over the Coronavirus crackdown is getting out of hand, this whole thing is crazy. They are planning to shut down all non-essential shops, and this may lead to martial law. What is going to happen in the future? There was a crazy person that said that the army…

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How to use rsync to list filenames in a directory on a remote Linux server.

The rsync command with the –list-only parameter allows the user to list filenames on a remote machine. But by default, it looks like this. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ rsync –list-only [email protected]:/home/jason/Documents/ [email protected]’s password: drwxr-xr-x 4,096 2018/05/09 09:49:49 . -rw-r–r– 867,863 2018/04/19 12:44:56 altis_insurgency_altis.pbo -rw-rw-r– 681,638 2018/05/04 09:03:16 pg768.txt -rwxrwxr-x…

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Get the internet facing IP address of a Linux machine easily.

This simple command will print out the Internet facing IP address of a Linux machine in no time. curl This will return the useragent that is used to access this URL. ubuntu ~ $ curl curl/7.35.0ubuntu ~ $ curl curl/7.35.0 Use this string to get all…

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Adding an IP address to the management interface for a Cisco switch.

Adding an IP address to the management interface of a Cisco switch allows connection over an Ethernet connection to manage the switch configuration. Firstly, switch to privileged exec mode. tyrion>en tyrion#tyrion>en tyrion# Then enter the configure terminal command to configure terminal settings. tyrion#configure terminaltyrion#configure terminal Now we are configuring settings…

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How to use rsync to copy files from one computer to another.

This is an example where I am using the rsync command to copy files from one computer to another. homer@deusexmachina ~ $ rsync -avz -e "ssh -p 443" [email protected]:/home/homer/Desktop/ /home/homer/Videos The authenticity of host ‘[]:443 ([]:443)’ can’t be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is ############################################. Are you sure you want to…

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