Narodnaya Solyanka Cumulative Pack 2.2 to be out next year.

The new mega Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl mod Объединенный пак 2.1 is going to receive an update next year with the OP 2.2 version slated for release. This features a 64bit engine and new areas. This will also feature a new plot and older more familiar quests are redone. This…

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Stalker 2 game still in dispute. Is it even real?

The Stalker 2 game is still in development, but there is still no information about it at all. When games are in development, normally, there are plenty of teasers and videos released to show the progress of the game, but with this, all we got was wallpaper and a soundtrack…

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How to install the new VIM 8.1 release from source code.

Installing the new VIM release from source is very easy. I have this running on Ubuntu 17.10 and it is great, the editor allows the user to open a terminal within the editor. Make a new folder to download the files into. Go into the directory, and then run this…

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The new Ubuntu 14.04 Unity desktop. Some cool new features.

The new Ubuntu 14.04 Unity desktop has some cool features. The icons on the sidebar launcher may be re-sized to 16 pixels in size. This allows the launcher bar to take up even less space. And the new 3.13 kernel includes many enhancements over the old 3.12 release. Firefox 25.0…

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Why do they not have an Ubuntu Masonic edition yet?

We have the Ubuntu Satanic Edition and many other cool editions of Ubuntu, but there is not Ubuntu Masonic Edition or a Rosicrucian edition? Why is this so? There should be a flavor of Ubuntu that caters for everyone, even an Illuminati or Scientology edition for Tom Cruise fans. There…

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A first look at the Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal distribution.

The Ubuntu 12.10 Alpha has been released and I am taking a first look at this release. The new wallpapers are quite impressive, there is a nice Forbidden City wallpaper and many other lovely photographs gracing this release. The web browser is Firefox 14.0, and the music playback is taken…

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Gimp 2.8 available for Linux Mint 13 users. Single window mode better than ever.

The Gimp 2.8 is now available for users of the Linux Mint 13 distribution. I used the tips here: to install the Gimp packages and get it working. I had to uninstall the Gimp with this command: sudo apt-get purge Gimp* Then add the appropriate ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp…

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VLC 2.0.0 TwoFlower released for Ubuntu 12.04.

The 2.0.0 release of the VLC media player has been released for Ubuntu 12.04. I updated my Ubuntu 12.04 installation and there it was. So the final release of Ubuntu 12.04 will include this media player in the repositories. The VLC media player is available for Linux and Windows and…

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Firefox 8.0 problems & Fedora 16 is the best version yet.

I am very annoyed with Firefox at the moment, I installed all the updates for Fedora 15 with the yum update command and I was updated to Firefox 8.0 and my Greasemonkey addon stopped working as it was incompatible with version 8.0. That is the annoying thing with Firefox, the…

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Ubuntu 11.10 to be released in October 13th.

The Release of the 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot is due on the 13th of October, bringing with it the Gnome 3 desktop and many other cool updates. Support for the Arm CPU architecture. This is used by many tablet computers and this will allow installation of Ubuntu onto these machines. Also…

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