The Ubuntu 12.10 distribution has just been released. Quantal Quetzal is live!

The Ubuntu 12.10 distribution has just been released. Download a copy here: Despite the many problems experienced by users of the Unity desktop in the past it is developing, and is quite a usable desktop with a good search function that can find available packages in the software repositories…

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How to install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop in Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal.

This sequence of commands will install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop on Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal. [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo add-apt-repository “deb quantal main” [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get update [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get update [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo apt-get install mate-core [flynn@flynn-grid-runner Desktop]$ sudo…

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A first look at the Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal distribution.

The Ubuntu 12.10 Alpha has been released and I am taking a first look at this release. The new wallpapers are quite impressive, there is a nice Forbidden City wallpaper and many other lovely photographs gracing this release. The web browser is Firefox 14.0, and the music playback is taken…

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