Search all processes for certain matches using wildcards.

The ps command lists all running processes on your Linux machine, this is how to fine-tune this and search for certain processes using wildcards. Use this example command line to find all Apache HTTP server instances. ps -ef | grep -i apache*ps -ef | grep -i apache* This is the…

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Get information about a Linux process very easily and quickly.

To get information about a Linux process, use this simple trick, this is to get the processes associated with the current standard input. I.e a terminal. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~/Documents$ ps -T PID SPID TTY TIME CMD 7467 7467 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 7715 7715 pts/0 00:00:00 top 7826 7826 pts/0 00:00:00 psjason@Yog-Sothoth:~/Documents$ ps…

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Useful BASH shell tips for Ubuntu and Debian alike.

The BASH shell has many useful features that allow you to perform your tasks very easily. If you are running a program in a terminal and you wish to run another command whilst the first command is running, then press CTRL-Z to move the running process to the background. Then…

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Get the command line of a process without the ps command.

To get the command line of a process without the ps command, and the PID of the command is known, use this command. This example is using a process with a PID of 28633. ubuntu ~ $ cat /proc/28633/cmdline ; echo upstart-socket-bridge–daemonubuntu ~ $ cat /proc/28633/cmdline ; echo upstart-socket-bridge–daemon This…

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Some very useful Linux command-line tips and tricks for the desktop user.

Using the install-mbr command to install a main boot record (MBR) onto a disk. [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ sudo install-mbr –force –partition 1 /dev/sdi [sudo] password for flynn: [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$[flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ sudo install-mbr –force –partition 1 /dev/sdi [sudo] password for flynn: [flynn@flynn-grid-runner media]$ This command would be useful if you are building…

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Managing processes with the UNIX command line.

The Linux command-line has many powerful tools for viewing and managing running processes on your UNIX/Linux machine. The lsof command is a very useful command, it will display a list of all open files owned by active processes running on your system. Below is an excerpt from the output this…

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Killing a running task in Windows 7.

Killing a running task UNIX style in Windows 7 is very easy indeed, the tasklist command makes this just as easy as it is in UNIX/Linux.Just type tasklist in the command prompt and it will display a list of running processes. Then look for the PID of the process you…

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