How to protect your base in Arma 3 from trolls and griefing.

This very useful script when placed in the initPlayerLocal.sqf file will protect a base from придурки who are firing into your base and destroying everything. player addEventHandler ["FiredMan", {   _p = _this select 6; if( _p distance (getMarkerPos "respawn_west") < 1000) then { deleteVehicle _p; } else { _p…

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Crack an SSH password with hydra and ways to avoid this in future.

I used this command to crack a Linux SSH account with hydra. hydra -l trump -P rockyou.txt ssh:// -l trump -P rockyou.txt ssh:// And this is the output I got once I managed to crack the user account over SSH. This is why you have fail2ban and other protections against…

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