Very useful Nmap scanning tips for getting information from a host.

The nmap -A -P0 command line will scan a host and get information about the host and what is running on it. Press j whilst the scan is running to print statistics about the progress of the scan. Press it again to update it. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/home/user] └──╼ #nmap -A -P0…

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A nice utility to show the progress of utilities like cp and mv.

The utility I have found, named progress, will show the amount of data transferred when using commands such as cp or mv. Download this utility by running this command. git clone clone Then build the utility. 14:39:50 0 ~ jason$ cd progress/   14:39:53 0 ~/progress jason$ make…

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Add a fancy progress bar to the apt command on Linux.

To add a fancy progress bar to the apt command on Linux, edit this file: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99progressbar and add the line below. Dpkg::Progress-Fancy "1";Dpkg::Progress-Fancy "1"; Save the file and when you next install software with the apt command, you will get a fancy progress bar at the bottom of the screen….

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The progress of Linux development.

The Linux operating system has progressed quite a long way since the early days of the Linux distribution, those days were very different indeed. Nowadays we have the Gnome 3 and Unity desktops as well as KDE and Xfce. All vying for the attention of the potential user. KDE is…

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