Are programming jobs worth it in 2022?

This really depends on what kind of job you want, really. Some will require a Bachelor’s and will not look at you without experience. Most will care about the experience over a degree, but your resume will need to be solid so expect to put the time you’d have put…

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Miscellaneous programming tricks with C.

This is a very simple Hello World program in C. int main() { write(1, "Hello World\n", 14); }int main() { write(1, "Hello World\n", 14); } Counting how long a text string is. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MSG "Hello Doctor, let’s get back to the TARDIS!" int main() { int…

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Various tricks with C on Linux.

There are various tricks for programming on Linux. One useful trick is to open a file for reading with C. This is how to do this. The “r” option for fopen() will read the file into memory. #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h>   int main(void) { FILE *f; char buf[256];  …

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Very useful C code samples. These might be very useful to someone.

Some very useful code samples for any C programmer. These might give you some new ideas. Print the time and date with C. #include <time.h> // For time function (random seed). #include <stdio.h> // For extra functions. printf(). #include <stdlib.h> // For getenv();   #define format "The time and date…

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Git 2.9 Released

A new version of Git was released this week, bringing a
number of improvements that will be a welcome sight to software
developers. more>>

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Useful C tricks and code samples.

How to define a string and print it out with the printf() function. #include <stdio.h>   /* Defining a global string. */   #define hi "Hello Sire."   int main(void) { /* Printing out the string. */ printf("%s\n", hi);   return 0; }#include <stdio.h> /* Defining a global string. */…

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Some useful FizzBuzz examples for budding programmers.

Here are some useful FizzBuzz programming examples in various programming languages. These might prove useful as code samples that could be expanded into a larger project or just for interests sake. Very useful if you wish to learn how to program, taking these programs apart and modifying them would be…

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Some very good Linux resources for learning programming and BASH scripting. The resources page. Very good list of links to various tutorials and help pages. The Advanced BASH scripting guide. The VIM guideboook. 3000 useful guides to programming and Linux documentation and help pages. How to be a programmer. A short but comprehensive summary.….

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Cool C programs and some very useful code snippets to make programming even more fun.

A very obfuscated C program. typedef unsigned char t;t*F="%c",l[]="|\\/=_ \n](.\0(),*(.(=(}*.)[[*.",N=’\n’,* r;typedef(*H)();extern H Ar;Q(a){return(a|-a)>>31;}H S(c,a){return(H)(a&~c|(int )Ar&c);}extern t*ist;V(t*u){*u^=*u&2^(*u>>7)*185;}Z(t*u,t n){*u-=n;}e(t c,H h){ R(h,Q(* r^c));} I(){r=l +7-4*Q( getchar ()^*l); }R(H h, int c){Ar=S (c,h);- main() ;}P(){r ++;}z() { O(&N);} O(t*c){ printf( F,+*c); }T(){r= "This is not a function\n" ;}w(U){ U=Z(r,8 ); r-=~Q(* r/8-4); return…

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Running a command within another program. How to do this with C.

This code snippet will run the date command. The execl() function is very useful for executing a command within your C program.You replace the NULL identifiers with any extra arguments to pass to the program. I prefer this over the system() function. #include <unistd.h>   int main(void) {   execl("/bin/date",…

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Sample C programming code. How to get input from the console.

This is a sample C program showing how to define a function as well as accepting input from the command-line. Hopefully this is useful for someone who is writing a console application for Linux or UNIX. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>   int main(int argc, char **argv) {   char *name;…

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