New Windows package manager available in Powershell 5.0 This is quite revolutionary.

There is a new package manager available for Windows 8.1, this allows the installation of Windows software with the Powershell command line. Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Install-Package -name Chrome WARNING: Skipping package provider provider ‘NuGet’– missing required option ‘Destination’ The package ‘xChrome’…

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More useful Windows Server 2012 CMD commands.

The route PRINT command shows the routing table. This gives some insight into your network connections. C:\Users\Administrator>route PRINT =========================================================================== Interface List 18…1e 0f 6e 5d e1 25 ……Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter 13…4c 0f 6e 5d e1 25 ……Qualcomm Atheros AR5B97 Wireless Network Adapter 12…88 ae 1d 6d 09 bc…

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Very useful Powershell commands available in Powershell 4.0.

Some very useful Powershell 4.0 cmdlets that are now available. Get-FileHash this gets the SHA256 hash of a file. PS C:\Users\Homer\Desktop> Get-FileHash .\scammers.png   Algorithm Hash Path ——— —- —- SHA256 92E09BFBBAD2DF6E3FD329CB4AE5F15231AA12B869327706854F7DF9D106971B C:\Users\Homer\Desktop\scammers.pngPS C:\Users\Homer\Desktop> Get-FileHash .\scammers.png Algorithm Hash Path ——— —- —- SHA256 92E09BFBBAD2DF6E3FD329CB4AE5F15231AA12B869327706854F7DF9D106971B C:\Users\Homer\Desktop\scammers.png Save-Help This will download help…

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Using Powershell on Linux with the Pash console.

The Powershell console is now available on Linux with the advent of the Pash console. This allows a Linux user to use Powershell commands on Linux just as they do in Windows. The screenshot I have included shows the usage of the Powershell Get-PsDrive cmdlet. This would be a very…

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A correction I have to make regarding the Powershell and wildcards. The bash shell is still better though.

I need to correct what I said in this posting: and also this one. regarding the Powershell and its handling of certain constructs that I mentioned in this posting: It turns out that the Powershell does support this after all as shown in this sample below. PS C:\Users\Homer\Documents>…

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Windows Powershell not as good as BASH shell and other thoughts.

It is really amazing that the new Windows Powershell is moving Windows Administrators back towards the command-line instead of using the GUI for everything. Powershell has some very good features; but the difficulty I have experienced installing extra cmdlets is very grating indeed. It is better to use the BASH…

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