How to show a pop up notification with a Powershell script.

Showing a pop-up notification from the system tray is very easy with Powershell on Windows 11. To begin, run this command as Administrator to install the BurntToast module. Install-Module -Name BurntToastInstall-Module -Name BurntToast Then you are ready to use this script to show a sample notification. Import-Module BurntToast New-BurntToastNotification -Text…

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How to best get IP address information with Powershell on Windows 11.

This example will get the current IP address(s) of the user`s machine. PS C:\Users\Intel i5> Get-NetIPAddress | Sort-Object -Property InterfaceIndex | where-object -FilterScript {$_.SuffixOrigin -eq "Dhcp"}     IPAddress : InterfaceIndex : 10 InterfaceAlias : Ethernet AddressFamily : IPv4 Type : Unicast PrefixLength : 24 PrefixOrigin : Dhcp SuffixOrigin…

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How to get computer information with Powershell on Windows 11.

Getting good hardware information is very useful on a Windows system, I will show some very useful one-liners for getting hardware information on Windows. This example gives information about the CPU cores and the other pertinent CPU information. PS C:\Users\Intel i5> Get-WmiObject –class Win32_processor | ft systemname,Name,DeviceID,NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors   systemname Name…

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Getting IP address information in Powershell 5.1.

Getting information about your IP address is easy in Powershell. Below is a simple example, this is printing information about the IP addresses on the system. PS C:\Users\Jim\Pictures\Saved Pictures> Get-NetIPAddress |Select-Object IPAddress   IPAddress ——— fec0::6155:1c09:8069:d506%1 fe80::6155:1c09:8069:d506%7 ::1 C:\Users\Jim\Pictures\Saved Pictures> Get-NetIPAddress |Select-Object IPAddress IPAddress ——— fec0::6155:1c09:8069:d506%1 fe80::6155:1c09:8069:d506%7 ::1…

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How to get the IP address of your computer with Powershell.

This is how to get the current IP address of the active network adapter in your Windows system. PS C:\Users\Doom> (Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1).IPV4Address.IPAddressToString C:\Users\Doom> (Test-Connection -ComputerName (hostname) -Count 1).IPV4Address.IPAddressToString This prints the IP address of your machine to the Powershell terminal. This is a great way…

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Some very useful Powershell tricks.

Print the current date and time with Powershell. "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date)"{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) This is an example of what this will give you. PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss – d/M/yy}" -f (get-date) Tuesday – 08:42:05 – 30/1/18PS C:\Users\jason> "{0:dddd – hh:mm:ss -…

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How to install Powershell for Linux in Ubuntu 16.04.

Installing Powershell for Linux in Ubuntu 16.04 is very easy. I had problems with the packages, but I sorted it out very quickly. Firstly, download the Powershell Debian package. Then the required libicu package. Then install the libicu package. jason$ sudo dpkg -i libicu52_52.1-3ubuntu0.4_amd64.deb Selecting previously unselected package…

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How to install a Windows feature on server 2012 using Powershell.

This Powershell command will install a Windows feature on your Windows 8.1 or server 2012 machine. I am only using the telnet server as an example. PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-WindowsFeature telnet-server Success Restart Needed Exit Code Feature Result ——- ————– ——— ————– True No Success {Telnet Server} This is how easy…

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