Linux storing passwords in plain text. Here is the truth of the matter.

The NetworkManager daemon on Linux does store WIFI passwords in plain text, but you need root access to read the files. Here is a sample WIFI connection file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. homer@deusexmachina /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections $ sudo cat PIZZACATSWIFI [connection] id=PIZZACATSWIFI uuid=f4f0260d-ca5e-4b86-808d-3dce65fa80cf type=802-11-wireless   [802-11-wireless] ssid=PIZZACATSWIFI mode=infrastructure mac-address=4C:0F:6E:5D:E1:25 security=802-11-wireless-security   [802-11-wireless-security] key-mgmt=wpa-psk auth-alg=open…

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