The Internet is changing with new technology.

The advent of advanced AI is changing the world in many ways. there is a way to generate faces using AI and therefore fake accounts can be created, essentially creating fake people. This is very common, there are Google Drive folders with 100,000 fake pictures, this means that scammers can…

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Pluto probe is an exciting achievement for humanity.

The New Horizons probe to Pluto has sent back some exciting photos. The smallest planet in the solar system is also the coldest, -233 degrees Celsius. This makes it too cold to land on. A spacesuit would not last long in such cryogenic temperatures. But this is the furthest object…

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First colour photograph sent home to Earth by the Curiosity rover.

This is the first colour photograph taken by the Curiosity rover sent by NASA. This photograph is taken with a new high-resolution camera called the Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) at the end of the rover’s robotic arm. This imaging device can resolve super-small details when the camera is up close…

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New images of Moon landing site released by NASA.

New images have been released by NASA of the Apollo moon landing sites showing the lander and other material on the lunar surface. As well as the many tracks left by the lunar rover buggy that the astronauts rode around the lunar surface. The LRV vehicle is also visible on…

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