Working with permissions on a Linux system.

When you list directories in long format (the -l switch), you’ll be presented with a long list of information. What does it all mean? The first column on the far left represents permissions. The first character is a marker to define what the object is. For example, ‘-’ for a…

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A question for my readers.

A professor shares files with his students by placing them in a publicly accessible directory on the Computer Science department’s Linux system. One day he realizes that a file placed there the previous day was left world-writable. He changes the permissions and verifies that the file is identical to his…

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Linux and UNIX security compared to Windows and Apple.

Linux and UNIX security compared to Windows and Apple Comparing Linux and UNIX security to Windows and Apple. The OSGUI tech show host has posted a video with 6 reasons why Linux sucks, with one of the reasons being that there are many packaging systems instead of just one. But…

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Moving folders to your home directory.

I recently had to move some folders to my home directory on my Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 installation as the root user and I then had to change the ownership of the folders and the files within to my current user. For example, I copied the ~/.themes folder to my home…

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