How to crack Cisco 7 “encrypted” passwords with a simple tool.

This website will crack Cisco 7 passwords instantly. This shows that this type of “encryption” is useless when an attacker has access to view the configuration of the switch. Better to use more stringent encryption like 4096 bit. But this is the way that Cisco work. If you get…

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Sample Linux password files and how they work.

The /etc/passwd file contains each user, one on each line. And the user ID number, then the home directory and the shell used by that user. /etc/passwd1 2 3 4 5 sifiso:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ info:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ sales:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ admin:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ siphiwos:x:1794:1790::/home/commitec/mail/ info:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ sales:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ admin:x:554:554::/home/commitec/mail/ siphiwos:x:1794:1790::/home/commitec/mail/ Then the /etc/shadow file contains the username again, then the…

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How to find saved WIFI passwords in Ubuntu easily.

To find all the saved WIFI passwords and Ethernet connection information on your Linux desktop or laptop, navigate to this directory. /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections Here are the connections on my laptop. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections] └──╼ #ls -hula total 20K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Aug 24 13:36 . drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4.0K Aug…

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Generate an assortment of random passwords with a simple command.

Generate secure passwords for your user accounts The pwgen command will generate a set of random passwords that may be used to secure your user account. Type this command to install this utility. root@DESKTOP-R72SPS3:~# apt-get install pwgenroot@DESKTOP-R72SPS3:~# apt-get install pwgen Now we can generate a few passwords. jason@DESKTOP-R72SPS3:/mnt/c/Users/johnc$ pwgen -s…

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How to list all passwords on a Cisco switch.

This Cisco command will list all passwords on a switch. mrrobot#sh ru | inc password service password-encryption password 7 00141215174C04140B70 password 7 00141215174C04140B70mrrobot#sh ru | inc password service password-encryption password 7 00141215174C04140B70 password 7 00141215174C04140B70 The inc command looks for any text that matches the argument. Like this: mrrobot#sh ru…

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Debian 8 still stores WIFI passwords in plain text.

The /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections directory in Debian and Ubuntu stores files that are named after the WIFI networks you have connected to. These contain the passwords for the wireless networks that your machine has connected to. Here is a sample file. [connection] id=detportal uuid=539c7711-95ba-4f0a-8797-33d32ec779d7 type=802-11-wireless   [802-11-wireless] ssid=detportal mode=infrastructure security=802-11-wireless-security   [802-11-wireless-security]…

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How to crack Linux passwords using john the ripper.

Firstly, for the purposes of this exercise, we are creating a new user with a simple password. I used a user named “vaas” and gave him the simple password “password”. Then run this command to create the file that john the ripper will be using. ubuntu@ip-172-31-20-16:~$ sudo unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow…

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Linux storing passwords in plain text. Here is the truth of the matter.

The NetworkManager daemon on Linux does store WIFI passwords in plain text, but you need root access to read the files. Here is a sample WIFI connection file in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. homer@deusexmachina /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections $ sudo cat PIZZACATSWIFI [connection] id=PIZZACATSWIFI uuid=f4f0260d-ca5e-4b86-808d-3dce65fa80cf type=802-11-wireless   [802-11-wireless] ssid=PIZZACATSWIFI mode=infrastructure mac-address=4C:0F:6E:5D:E1:25 security=802-11-wireless-security   [802-11-wireless-security] key-mgmt=wpa-psk auth-alg=open…

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