How to make a PDF file of a man page on Linux the easy way.

To make a PDF file of a manual page on Linux, this involves a very simple command. Make a Postscript file from a manual page on Linux. jason@jason-desktop:~$ man -t 3 printf > printf.psjason@jason-desktop:~$ man -t 3 printf > Then convert the Postscript file to a PDF easily. jason@jason-desktop:~$…

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First Hypertext page ever created resurrected in 2013! This is the first Hypertext page ever created; the page that was the first to use hyperlinks and gave us a connected and more informed future. This is a page using some very old HTML 1.0 code with<DD> tags that I have not seen for a very long time….

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Adding Adsense advertisements to a Pagelines WordPress theme.

The Pagelines Framework theme is an outstanding theme for the WordPress blogging software, and adding Adsense ad units is a good way to monetise your website. If you edit the wp-content/themes/pagelines/sections/content/section.php you may add an Adsense ad unit very easily. There are plugins for WordPress that allow you to add…

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