Iptables samples. Very good ways to filter network traffic.

Sample Iptables configurations A sample iptables output that I am using on an OpenVPN server to allow Internet traffic to be passed through it. ubuntu ~ $ sudo iptables-save # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Wed Aug 2 22:19:48 2017 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [2654934:1228315333] :FORWARD ACCEPT [31023:17433690] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [2475842:555885003]…

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Useful code snippets and commands for Linux.

Alternatives to the ping and traceroute commands on a Linux system There are many alternatives to the ping and traceroute commands on a Linux system. The mtr command is one of them. This command will trace the route the network packets are taking to the target IP address. bash 06:42:02…

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