DALL-E 2 access is now open.

DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. Create an account today and get started.

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Microsoft to add exFAT support to Linux kernel.

Microsoft Corporation are intending to add code to the Linux kernel to support exFAT. This would allow better support for exFAT storage devices without using proprietary Linux kernel modules. This is very good news, if only Nvidia would supply open source drivers for their hardware, then using it would be…

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Stalker game running on Linux with Open Xray.

A developer is working on running Stalker games on Linux with Open Xray engine. This means we could have Stalker Dead Air running on Linux. This is very good, more choice in gaming on Linux would bring more people to the platform. Dead Air has good gameplay and is quite…

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How to see if a port is open on a Linux system using netcat.

The netcat command is a program for querying network connections. This little program may be used to query whether a port is open on a Linux system or not. Here I am determining whether port 443 is open on this Linux Mint machine. homer@deusexmachina ~ $ nc -zv localhost 443…

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How to open a rar file with the Linux command line. This is very easy.

The unrar command for Linux takes care of opening rar files. Firstly, install the command with the yum install unrar command. [root@localhost Downloads]# yum install unrar[root@localhost Downloads]# yum install unrar Or this way on a Debian GNU/Linux system. [user@debian ~]$ sudo apt-get install unrar[user@debian ~]$ sudo apt-get install unrar Then…

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