Convert a MIDI file to OGG in the best quality possible.

To convert a MIDI file to OGG on Linux, use the LMMS music-making application. Import a MIDI file by opening the Import menu. This is the Project->Import menu option. Then export the MIDI file to an OGG format file with default settings. This will create a very high-quality rendering of…

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How to best tag your music collection on Linux.

The best way to tag your music collection on Linux is with MusicBrainz Picard. This is an automatic music tagging program that will lookup music on the MusicBrainz website using acoustic matching and then automatically tag the tracks and save the processed files into a folder you specify. This works…

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How to convert a midi file to Ogg or FLAC with Timidity.

This is how to use Timidity to convert a MIDI file into an Ogg Vorbis audio file. This is very useful for playing them with Banshee or Audacious. [homer@localhost Documents]$ timidity sound009.mid -Ov -o blood009.ogg Playing sound009.mid MIDI file: sound009.mid Format: 1 Tracks: 10 Divisions: 480 Sequence: Seq-1 Track name:…

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